
Mary has a large family and a huge heart, so when considering the design of a new home, her visiting children and grandchildren were central to the conversation. Her goal was to be able to host some or all of them during the summers in the cozy town along the edge of Lake Michigan. The cottage is designed so she can live completely on the first floor, with her own connected "stuga" towards the back, while her grandchildren happily have the second floor when they are visiting.


While the house was largely designed with others in mind, Mary also prioritized what she called a “Bird’s Nest” – a small reading nook at the top of a spiral staircase, just large enough for an oversized lounger for Mary and a pile of books, creating just enough space for a cozy escape from bustling grandchildren.


The house has Scandinavian influence in its materials, colors and plentiful natural light. Mary welcomed the idea of a two-story home (plus the spiral staircase!) with the hopes that the vertical circulation would help keep her young and fit as she ages in place.

Photography by Jodi Bodtke.